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The pounding or tension gushing through your head is quite enough to give you a stroke. After all, a hard day of work could have inflicted much pressure on the body, whereby contributing to your migraine, or there could simply be something else; maybe something serious?
Based on information derived from An Ounce of Prevention, “90% of the population experience some form of a headache. As transparent as that is, various factors might contribute to these common-placed migraines.
What are Headaches?
Headaches are characterized as any unspecified or generic pain in the head. Whereas, migraine is the decorative term alluding to peculiar types of headaches. They are sharp and throbbing pains, often accompanied by blurred visions, nausea, and vomiting.
Causes of Headaches and Migraines
The underlined cause of headaches and migraines stem from various factors. From a medical perspective, there are two types of headaches.
- Primary Headaches
This classification of headaches has no absolute or inherent cause. It is usually believed that there are no solemn factors contributing to the manifestation of a headache and is commonly referred to as tension, cluster headaches, and migraine.
- Secondary Headaches
This classification refers to a more serious form of a headache. It’s understood that there are covert factors contributing to this form of a headache. Headaches within this category might be as a result of a head injury – despite occurring years ago – flu, or other viral infections. A more serious underlying factor to consider is a tumor or lesion on the brain. Allergies, stress, nervous tension, and menstruation can exacerbate headaches. Headaches inflicted through menstruation tends to occur before or predating it.
Another plausible cause of headaches includes the type of foods we consume on a regular basis. There are no known foods for curing or preventing headaches, but there are several contributing to it. These include alcoholic beverages, wine, beer, chocolate, ice cream, additives, cured meats and several others.
How to Prevent a Headache
Note: These suggestions only apply to minor headaches. If you do have recurring, severe or disabling headaches, it’s sage to consult a physician.
- Identify what actuates your headaches
Headaches can be caused when there is an undue or over-exposure to environmental changes such as too much light, noise or odor. Supplementing contributors include smoke, drugs, foods and others. Note that too much consumption

of meals containing MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) can ignite a headache. Eliminating these factors could prevent or thwart a headache.
- Journalize your headaches
To determine the frequency or consistency of your migraines, it’s best to keep a journal. Headaches that are consistent, frequent, or recurring should be checked out. This could be a result of serious factors. Within your journal, ensure to include any events associated with the triggering of your headache. Were you exposed to smoke? What did you eat? Have you been crying profusely? All these could contribute and as such, should be reported in your diary.
In any event your headaches are as a consequence of solemn factors, the information within your diary will be able to assist your doctor.
- Reduce stress encounters
Disquieting thoughts add much pressure to the brain. This in itself is strong enough to induce a headache. Anxiety is only natural. However, worrying does no good, nor does it add to your lifespan. Studies have dissected that people who are disposed to stress, anxiety, and depression, are more inclined to get headaches.
- Use herbs instead of over-the-counter measures
In lieu of stacking up on over-the-counter drugs to relieve the presence of a headache, take herbs instead. Herbs such

as ginger, tang quei, valerian, feverfew and ST John’s Wort contain properties to counter a headache. Most over-the-counter measures are flooded with side effects and as such, it’s ideal to proceed with caution, if that route is to be taken.
- Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils for the purpose of therapy. Various essential oils are invaluable in terms of its provision to safely and effectively relieve headaches and migraines. This is especially so with the Lavender oil. In the palm of your hands, place a few drops of lavender oil. Rub your hands together until the area feels hot. Proceeding vigorous rubbing, open your palms and place them an inch (or two) from your face, and slowly inhale the fragrance. Your unrelenting headache will soften, providing you relief.
- Ingest Additional Supplements
Profound studies have projected the strong impact supplements have on appeasing headaches and migraines. One such supplement is Magnesium. Ingesting approximately 200-600 milligrams of magnesium per day has the power and nutrients necessary to reduce the intensity of headaches. Riboflavin, although low-cost, is also an alternative. It’s a safe and effective treatment.
It’s advisable that if you’re experiencing regular and severe headaches, you should consult a physician. Applying the six (6) aforementioned measures will not provide relief when dealing with an underlined problem such as a brain tumor.