In this article, we highlight how to get rid of no see ums in the yard. If you’re an outdoor lover, you know how annoying they can be daily. It’s time to fight back and reclaim your yard and enjoy the cookouts you love.
We’ve all had those frustrating encounters – an irritable bite to the skin from an insect. Upon investigating, we cannot identify the cunning blood-sucking culprits, simply because we cannot see them.
No see ums are those cunning blood-sucking culprits that go around leeching on its victims.
If you’re a farmer, fisherman, camper, hunter or simply a lover of the exquisite outdoor scenery, you might have encountered a few…hundreds of no see ums.
In fact, no see ums are now creeping indoors to feast on homeowners when unable to source their meals outside. No see ums don’t discriminate. They back down from no one, regardless of color, creed, status, and socio-economic background.
What can you do to remedy your situation and fight back when no see ums charge against you? Here are some suggestions on how to get rid of no see ums in the yard or when outdoors.
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How to Get Rid of No See Ums In The Yard
If no see ums are preventing you from enjoying the wonders of creation, fight back. You might find it difficult to see them, but you can take actions that will stop them in their tracks.
1. Use Insecticides to Get Rid of No See Ums
This is the most direct way to kill no see ums and other flying insects. Especially if you’re going to be outdoors in a particular area for an extended period, you can use an insecticide to spray the area.
While this directly kills no see ums, it has proven inefficient and costly, since it doesn’t provide any residual impact and ‘wears off’ after being released in the air.
To add, no see ums will likely converge in the same area of treatment a few minutes after applying the insecticide. If you desperately need relief, constant application of the insecticide is necessary until you vacate the no see um infested area.
For other suggestions on how to get rid of no see ums, keep reading.
2. Use Foggers Designed For Killing No See Ums and Mosquitoes
Especially if you live next to a pond or lake, your no see um dilemma will only advance from bad to worse. In this case, you’ll need to adopt a bigger strategy to fight against no see ums.
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Black Flag Fogging Insecticide is that heavy hitter that’ll reclaim your outdoor freedom. This chemical is a two-process system – the Black Flag Fogging Insecticide and the Black Flag Electric Insect Fogger. The flogging insecticide and flogger has to work together to be effective. You will need the tool to propel or distribute the substance in your backyard.
If you love having picnics and family gatherings outdoors, it’s ideal for you.

3. Wear the Right Clothing to Get Rid of No See Ums
You don’t go to battle wearing foundation garments. That’s how you appear to no see ums without the proper attire. With your skin exposed, you’re like a lamb being led to the slaughter.
If you’re working in no see um prone areas, dress for the occasion. Cover up by wearing pants and long-sleeved shirts. In fact, there are specialized items made for that. These bug pants, bug jacket, and bug mask net provide all the insurance coverage you’ll need against no see ums, especially when camping.

4. Repel No See Ums From Biting
In addition to killing no see ums on the spot, another way to get rid of them is to repel them from biting. When you repel no see ums, you’re in a sense, making their meal (you) unattractive.
If you have mosquito repellents lying around, they can be used to fight the dreaded fight against no see ums. Plus, you’ll be using what you already have at your disposal. Talk about being resourceful.
There are a few repellents out there. Some repellents are kid-friendly.
Note: Ensure to use the product according to the specifications and instructions on the label.
If you’re a fan of repellents with DEET, we recommend using Repel 100 Insect Repellent. This repellent is robust and suits any terrain.
If you enjoy the nomadic lifestyle and mostly stay in tents outdoors, SAWYER Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent can be used on your items to ward off no see ums and other pests such as ticks and chiggers. You can spray it on your tent, backpack, sleeping bags, and other outdoor gear.

5. Control the Level of Moisture to Get Rid of No See Ums
Especially if you own a farm, managing moisture or water sources within the area can make a world of difference.
No see ums need the right conditions to lay their eggs. When you manage your area carefully, you’re actually making it difficult for them to find that “hotspot” to set up camp. An area that’s unattractive for laying equates to fewer no see ums and fewer bites.
Also, since horses and other farm animals are susceptible to being attacked, you’ll spare them as well. To effectively get rid of no see ums, you will have to be diligent. Keep the fight going. Since they breed easily, you might need to treat your yard regularly.
Did you benefit from this article on how to get rid of no see ums in the yard? Let us know in the comments. Do you know a friend who’s struggling with no see ums in their yard? Share this article with them.
How to Get Rid of No See Ums In The Yard (Video)
How to Get Rid of Biting Flies at the Beach
One of the most irritating things to encounter (and a great way to ruin a vacation), are no see ums on the beach. Sure, they go on vacation too and often love to meet and greet.
Many people have posted horror stories about dealing with no see ums on the beach, but that experience doesn’t have to be yours. You can enjoy your vacation and live it up like you’re supposed to. Here are a few things to consider on how to get rid of biting flies at the beach.
Apply Repelling Lotions
When the beach comes to mind, you think about bikini lines, open back, and half-nude people lying around – absolutely perfect snacks for no see ums. The best defense you can take against biting flies on the beach is to make your skin repulsive – at least to no see ums.
Wear repelling lotion. A great no see ums repellent lotion is Avon Skin so Soft. If you’re not up for using lotions, try no see um repellent sprays, they work too.

Choose When to Hang on the Beach
Yes, no see ums do love to have their meals at specific times of the day. Your best option is to find out from locals when no see ums are more inclined to bite at the beach and avoid there as much as possible.
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In some places, no see ums are more likely to congregate on the beach for a blood meal during evening periods. Avoid if possible. If you and your spouse do decide to go for a walk, take a look at some of the no see um gears we recommend wearing.
How to Get Rid of Biting Midges in Your Garden
As a gardener, you love going outdoors to care for your beautiful roses, orchids, and plants. There is no better feeling. However, you hate that you have to contend with biting midges, including no see ums, on a daily basis.
There are a few things you can do to get rid of biting midges in your garden. Your first option is to cultivate plants that naturally repel no see ums. Plants like lemongrass, lemon thyme, and mint have natural repellents that might keep no see ums away.
Another option is to use insecticides. Since you’ll be in your garden, it’s important to use natural insecticides that won’t have a negative impact when sprayed around your plants. One such insecticide is Raid Flying Insect Killer Insecticide Spray.
As you’ll be in your garden for an extended period, it ’s a good idea to suit up or wear the right clothing. You can opt to wear long garments hanging around in your closet, or check out a few recommended no see ums gears.
If this tidbit provided valuable insight to you on how to get rid of biting midges in your garden, please let us know.
How to Get Rid of No See Ums Around Pool
You and your family likely spend a lot of hours outdoors by the pool, especially during summer periods. No see ums are infamous for hanging around those parts.
To avoid getting bitten, here are a few ways to get rid of no see ums around the pool.
Before going for a swim, spray the area. This can be done with Cutter Backwoods Insect Repellent.
You can also burn citronella candles close to the area. This will repel no see ums. These, however, aren’t foolproof methods. If you want to prevent no see ums from biting while at the poolside, go for a swim when they are least likely to be congregating. For a list of more citronella-scented candles, you may want to read this article.
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on December 15, 2017. It was later updated on July 07, 2018, to add more information.
I love how informative the content is. I work a lot outdoors and I find that I’ve always had to contend with no see ums.
I am definitely thinking about getting the overalls to wear when I’m working outside. Thank you!
Hey, George. We appreciate you stopping by. That is a very wise thing to do. No see ums can be especially difficult when working close to bodies of water, regardless of how small.
Precaution is always good.
I hate these insects. We have them all over Florida. I can’t even breathe without being bitten. It’s just crazy! Do you have any information on how to deal with them indoors? I can hardly sleep. Help!
Hey, Gloria.
Sorry about your situation. When dealing with no see ums indoors, most people tend to put the fan on blast to blow them away. However, as an additional precaution, you can look into using no see ums screens. Those are made specifically for no see ums and can also be used against mosquitoes.
Try applying repellents as well.
They need dirt with moisture to live in. If you have any in door plants they will live in the dirt. Also I had 20×20 screens installed. They cannot get in through the smaller holes.
Thanks, Danial. You are so correct.
I live near a lake, what actions can I take to prevent no see ums from eating me and my family alive? Your help is appreciated.
Try EcoRaiders insecticide. It’s non-toxic
Thanks for this information. It will certainly help me in my dilemma.
You’re welcome, Travis. Don’t forget to share with Friends.
I don’t know if I have a yard full of no see ums or not, because I can see them. they appear to be whitish and are thick or in droves, bite like hell. I have sprayed cutter yard bug control and no effect at all. Wearing Deet doesn’t even affect them. This is 2019, while I don’t live in a flood area, Missouri has had lots of flooding. I would like to know what this bug is. It is very tiny and you can’t swat it to see. They have bitten me in my ears even.
I am dearly sorry you have to deal with this situation. No see ums are typically gray and at times, could appear whitish. Yes, you can see “no see ums”, even though it’s not the easiest thing to do.
Might I ask, where are you normally attacked by these flies?
Please check out a related article for more info.
Rubbing alcohol kills most any bug on contact.
Thanks for your suggestion. We will mention it the next time we update the article.
Will no see ums go away after summer?
Hello, Bee Cool.
No, no see ums will not go away after summer. They will only be less active.
I have been applying repellent but not sure it has much effect. I will try to remember to always wear socks now but I wish repellent were sufficient. I suspect I have been bitten while in bed but changing sheets doesn’t seem to make much difference and spraying repellent on the bed also hasn’t helped. I have some carpet powder that is intended to get rid of fleas from pets and I did sprinkle it over the carpet. I even left it without vacuuming it up for a few days to see if that would help. I’m still suffering from the bites.
Sorry about your situation Diane. It’s frustrating to deal with no see sums and biting midges. Might I ask, what repellent have you been using?
Peppermint essential oil is the very best thing I’ve ever found to treat itching insect bites – or any itch, for that matter (including itching from healing sunburns, eczema, dry skin, allergic rashes and wounds – as a red head, I battle all these lol). You can add about 40 drops to a 1/3 cup of coconut oil, lotion, or witch hazel, and dab, rub or spray your bites.
If you add some lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass or citronella essential oil (I use them all) to your peppermint mix, it will also repel biting insects. Use the spray for skin, surfaces, clothing, bedding or furniture ( make sure it won’t harm or discolor certain fabrics and furniture before spraying directly on them. It can stain some surfaces). It’s VERY effective when done properly, and safe for kids and pets, as although It’s not good to use eucalyptus on children under age 8 or so. It’s all I use anymore, and I spend a lot of time in my back yard and on my patio. My neighbors both have pools, which attracts them en masse, and I get bitten all over my feet and calves unless I use this every time I go outside. Because it’s natural oils, the downside is it needs to be reapplies every few hours and after getting wet.
If you wanna make the bites heal faster, add a few drops of wintergreen m, as well, to speed heal the skin. Any itch or small cut will be gone in a jiffy! My kids and grandson call it the magic medicine lol! Hope this helps someone =}
Thank you so much for sharing!
How do you get rid of the noseeums in your home ? Thank you
You could spray your home with an insect spray, but ensure everyone leaves the house and wait it out before going back in. Another option is to use removal trapping. This means using a trap to lure no see ums and then kill them.
I’d suggest checking out the link attached for more information.
The traps in that article can be used indoors.
Oh my gosh. Thanks so much. My husband and I just moved to Arizona, and prior to that, I had never been bit by a no seeum before. Needless to say, I was eaten alive. This is a great natural solution for me. Better than applying deet to your skin all day every day.
You are welcome! Happy to know you’ve found a solution. If you are looking for natural repellents made using essential oils, I’d suggest reading this article. Natural midge repellents.
I suffer terribly with noseeums. Type O blood, allergic to bug bites, and I have woods and a pond behind my house. I got the dynatraps last year and it was a bit better, but I’m still getting bites. I’m looking for a natural alternative to get rid of them, people have recommended a bat house and/or a floating fountain for the pond. Would those be effective?
Simon, you’re definitely in a tough and tight spot. Having woods and a pond is a serious breeding ground for no see ums. Truly sorry about your situation. Getting a bat house or floating pond would definitely help and minimize the situation, but a complete eradication cannot be expected.
What are you doing to keep no see ums out of your house? You’ll have to contend with them when you go outdoors, but at least you should have some peace when inside. They can squeeze through the smallest of holes, but using meshes/screens around windows, doors etc should help some. People seem to have better results with super screens.